
Promotional Type(awin)

Display (0/8)
Ad Networks
A publisher who buys Promotional Space on numerous websites (creating a network) with the intention of serving advertiser creative across this network of sites.

Contextual Targeting
Publishers who display advertising relevant to the content of the web page the user is browsing.

Direct Traffic
A publisher that displays creative to their audience in the form of banners, pop-ups and exit traffic adverts.

Media Brokers
A publisher who buys exit traffic and pop under opportunities from website owners.

Mobile Traffic
Mobile traffic publishers purchase display inventory across mobile enabled platforms including apps, games and websites.

Retargeting (Display)
Behavioural retargeting displays personalised advertising on third party websites to customers who have previously visited the advertiser's site, specifically displaying products in which they have shown recent interest.

Social Traffic
Social networking publishers purchase display inventory on social networks.

Sub Networks
A collection of publishers owned by numerous third parties brought together and being seen to operate as one single publisher.

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